Charge of Robbery

Charge of Robbery

Accusation of Robbery – What Punishment Awaits? Have you received a police summons or a charge for robbery under § 249 StGB or an aggravated form of robbery under §§ 249 ff. StGB (e.g., for aggravated robbery under § 250 StGB or robbery resulting in death under § 251 StGB) and want to know what…

Durchsuchungen im Strafrecht und Steuerstrafrecht - MPP Rechtsanwälte
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Searches in Criminal Law and Tax Criminal Law

A search is, in most cases, an extremely unpleasant situation for those involved and usually happens unexpectedly. It is crucial to remain calm in such a situation. We will explain what a search is, the legal requirements that must be met for your home to be lawfully searched, and provide information on the basic behaviors you should observe during such an event.

Diebstahl - Anwalt für Strafrecht - MPP-Rechtsanwälte

Shoplifting in Supermarkets, Drugstores, and Hardware Stores

The retail sector is reporting an increase in shoplifting incidents, with supermarkets, discount stores, drugstores, and hardware stores being particularly affected. According to § 242 StGB (German Criminal Code), anyone who unlawfully takes another person’s movable property with the intent of appropriating it for themselves or a third party can be punished by up to five years imprisonment or a fine. The key question arises: when does one become criminally liable?

Keine Reformierung des Mordparagraphen § 211 StGB

(No) Reform of the Murder Paragraph § 211 StGB?

For years, the reform of the murder paragraph § 211 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) has been under discussion. As early as 2016, after two years of consultation within a highly appointed expert group, there was a clear recommendation to reform the murder paragraph. Contrary to what many believe, the difference between criminal liability for manslaughter and criminal liability for murder does not lie in the presence of intent.

Meinungsfreiheit und politischer Straftat - MPP Rechtsanwälte

“From the river to the sea” – Between freedom of expression and political offence

While the discussion about the legal classification of the racist chants on Sylt continues, a debate has now sparked regarding the issue of incitement to hatred (“Volksverhetzung”). This debate also involves antisemitism, though in a completely different context. Since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, numerous demonstrations have taken place with people expressing solidarity with the Palestinians in the conflict.

Opfervertretung - MPP Rechtsanwälte - Strafrecht und Steuerrecht

Victim advocacy – Not only (alleged) offenders have a right to legal representation

Our law firm represents not only defendants, accused individuals, or those on trial in criminal cases but also individuals who have fallen victim to crimes (victim representation). If you have been a victim of domestic violence or stalking, we can apply for a court order under the Protection from Violence Act to safeguard you from further harm.

Spionageverdacht Krah AFD

Suspicion of espionage – search of AfD politician Krah in Brussels

Due to several incidents in the past, there is growing suspicion that some AfD politicians have exhibited close ties to Russia and China. This suspicion appears to have been confirmed with regard to an employee (Jian G.) of AfD MEP Krah. He was arrested last month on suspicion of espionage for China, and his home in Dresden was searched.

Döner auf einem Teller: Dönerverkäufe am Finanzamt vorbei – Steuerhinterziehung im Dönerimbiss

Kebab sales bypassing the tax office – tax evasion in kebab restaurants

As a kebab shop operator, you attract many satisfied customers daily. You maintain proper bookkeeping and fulfill your tax obligations. But one day, the tax authorities accuse you of tax evasion, claiming you haven’t accurately reported your revenue. Shocked and uncertain, you wonder – What can I do?

Scheinrechnungen, Abdeckrechnungen, Strohmannrechnungen und Co

Sham invoices, cover invoices, straw man invoices and co

Many entrepreneurs eventually face accusations from tax authorities of committing tax evasion by issuing so-called “fake invoices.” The core of the accusation often revolves around the assumption that a service from an allegedly performing entrepreneur to a recipient was fabricated, and no actual service was rendered.

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