Opfervertretung - MPP Rechtsanwälte - Strafrecht und Steuerrecht

Victim advocacy – Not only (alleged) offenders have a right to legal representation

Our law firm represents not only defendants, accused individuals, or those on trial in criminal cases but also individuals who have fallen victim to crimes (victim representation). If you have been a victim of domestic violence or stalking, we can apply for a court order under the Protection from Violence Act to safeguard you from further harm.

MPP - Strafrecht und Steuerrecht Göttingen

MPP defence lawyers’ successful leapfrog appeal

In a case of obstruction of justice, we challenged the lower court’s judgment with a detailed legal appeal known as a “leap-frog revision.” We requested an acquittal for our two clients during the trial, but the district court sentenced them to fines. The Higher Regional Court granted the appeal and overturned the ruling. The case will now start again – the goal remains an acquittal.

Law Clinic Strafprozess

MPP lectures at the Law Clinic Criminal Procedure, Georg-August-University Göttingen

This month, Attorney Dr. Anthea Pitschel and Attorney Karl-Heinz Mügge gave a lecture to students at the University of Göttingen. They discussed their professional experience, explained the nuances of criminal defense, and answered students’ questions. The lecture was part of the so-called “Law Clinic Criminal Procedure.”

Vom Totschlag zur Strafvereitelung

From manslaughter to obstruction of justice – successful defence by MPP before Göttingen Regional Court

In the manslaughter trial concerning the Ukrainian man killed in May 2023, the defendant, represented by Attorney Mügge, was sentenced to two years in prison for obstruction of justice, with the sentence suspended on probation, despite the prosecution charging him with joint manslaughter.

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