MPP lectures at the Law Clinic Criminal Procedure, Georg-August-University Göttingen
This month, lawyer Dr Anthea Pitschel and lawyer Karl-Heinz Mügge gave a lecture to the students of the Georg-August-University Göttingen. They reported on their day-to-day work, explained the special features of criminal defence and answered the students’ questions.
The lecture was part of the so-called “Law Clinic Criminal Procedure”.
This is a project of the Institute of Criminal Sciences (Department of Foreign and International Criminal Law) at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, which is aimed at students who have a particular interest in criminal law and criminal procedural law.
The Law Clinic highlights the practical side of training in criminal procedural law, primarily through the involvement of criminal defence lawyers from the region in the form of internships and modules, each embedded in the in-depth course on criminal procedural law (winter semester) and a seminar course (summer semester).
The Law Clinic begins with an in-depth lecture on criminal procedure law (Senior Public Prosecutor Dr Asmus), which is supplemented by modules in which defence lawyers give lectures on individual criminal procedural issues from a defence lawyer’s perspective. The lecture is supplemented by participation in a StPO “Moot Court”.
During the semester break, students have the opportunity to complete an internship with a lawyer in Göttingen or near Göttingen (Hanover, Kassel and the surrounding area). Students regularly complete their internship at the law firm Mügge, Dr Pitschel & Partner (MPP).
This is followed by a seminar course given by lawyer Prof Dr König. The students deepen individual aspects of the practical case work from the internship and then write an individual, independent paper, which they then present to their fellow students.
Click here to find out more about the Criminal Procedure Law Clinic.