Law Clinic Strafprozess

MPP lectures at the Law Clinic Criminal Procedure, Georg-August-University Göttingen

This month, lawyer Dr Anthea Pitschel and lawyer Karl-Heinz Mügge gave a lecture to the students of the Georg-August-Univer­sity Göttingen. They reported on their day-to-day work, explained the special features of criminal defence and answered the students’ ques­tions.

The lecture was part of the so-called “Law Clinic Criminal Proce­dure”.

This is a project of the Insti­tute of Criminal Sciences (Depart­ment of Foreign and Inter­na­tional Criminal Law) at the Georg-August-Univer­sität Göttingen, which is aimed at students who have a parti­cular inte­rest in criminal law and criminal proce­dural law.

The Law Clinic high­lights the prac­tical side of trai­ning in criminal proce­dural law, prima­rily through the invol­vement of criminal defence lawyers from the region in the form of intern­ships and modules, each embedded in the in-depth course on criminal proce­dural law (winter semester) and a seminar course (summer semester).

The Law Clinic begins with an in-depth lecture on criminal proce­dure law (Senior Public Prose­cutor Dr Asmus), which is supple­mented by modules in which defence lawyers give lectures on indi­vi­dual criminal proce­dural issues from a defence lawyer’s perspec­tive. The lecture is supple­mented by parti­ci­pa­tion in a StPO “Moot Court”.

During the semester break, students have the oppor­tu­nity to complete an intern­ship with a lawyer in Göttingen or near Göttingen (Hanover, Kassel and the surroun­ding area). Students regu­larly complete their intern­ship at the law firm Mügge, Dr Pitschel & Partner (MPP).

This is followed by a seminar course given by lawyer Prof Dr König. The students deepen indi­vi­dual aspects of the prac­tical case work from the intern­ship and then write an indi­vi­dual, inde­pen­dent paper, which they then present to their fellow students.

Click here to find out more about the Criminal Proce­dure Law Clinic.

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