Karl-Heinz Mügge

Certified Specialist in Tax Law & Criminal Law
Certified Consultant for Tax Criminal Law (DAA)

Karl-Heinz Mügge, your expert for criminal law and tax law

Karl-Heinz Mügge provides comprehensive advice on both criminal law and tax law. He is your point of contact when it comes to commercial and criminal tax law or general criminal law cases.

Thanks to his decades of experience and consistent defence in thousands of criminal and tax proceedings, he can not only advise you on any problem relating to criminal and administrative offence law, but can also support you in a tax audit or in the legalisation of accounts (if you want to make a voluntary disclosure due to tax evasion) etc.

Karl-Heinz Mügge has been working as a lawyer since 1995. He has specialised in criminal law since 2001 and in tax law since 2010.

In the Higher Regional Court districts of Braunschweig and Celle and in particular in the Göttingen Regional Court district, Mr Karl-Heinz Mügge has been familiar with the customs and practices for many years, which is of particular benefit to you. He will also negotiate on your behalf with the tax investigation authorities and the tax offices.

  • Lecturer of the bar association for criminal tax law
  • Shareholder of BG Göttingen (since 2013)
  • Member of the Rotary Club Göttingen-Süd (since 2013)
  • Board of the Sponsoring Association of the Sternenlichter e.V. Children’s and Youth Hospice.
Karl-Heinz Mügge, MPP-Rechtsanwälte für Strafrecht und Steuerrecht